I’m 29 and until about a year ago I used pretty much the same skin care routine that I’d followed since I was, I don’t know, 12? Just some drugstore facewash and some drugstore lotion and occasionally if I got a sample or a gift of something else I’d try that too. Thankfully I’ve never had awful skin so I didn’t feel a need to try a bunch of other things but once I became serious about my Young Living business I figured I should give my own company’s skin care line a try and see what I thought. In the last year or so I’ve completely switched my routine (as well as most of my other personal care products…but that’s a post for another time) to the Young Living skin care line. I expected it to work just as well as what I’d been using for years and that my skin would look fine.
What I didn’t expect was for it to actually improve my skin! In fact, since I’ve started using the Young Living products I’ve had multiple people comment on how great my skin looks and here I am, pushing 30, with better skin than I ever had in my teens and early 20s! I go without makeup way more than I ever used to…partially because I’m a stay at home mom now and have gotten lazy but also partially because I feel so much more confident in my skin! And when I do use makeup it’s very light since I don’t have as much that I need to cover up.
Young Living has quite a few creams and serums and other things for your skin full of oily goodness but I am a skin care minimalist so while I have used most of the products off and on there are only a few that I use consistently. Here is what my usual routine looks like:
Orange Blossom Facial Wash
The Orange Blossom face wash is my favorite and it lasts FOR-ever. I actually turn mine into a foaming face wash by mixing a small amount of face wash with water and putting it in foaming soap bottle. I use this every night to wash my face. I have the ART Gentle Cleanser foaming face wash as well and I use it too but the Orange Blossom is my favorite and once I use up the ART that I have I’ll use the Orange Blossom only.
Satin Face Scrub (Mint)
I have never been able to use a scrub of any kind before because every time I tried they would break my skin out horribly! Using the Satin Face Scrub is the first time I’ve ever consistently used a scrub on my face and it is incredible! First of all it smells so amazing that I could literally eat it right out of the bottle. But more importantly is how smooth it makes my skin. A while ago I ran out and while I was waiting to get some more my skin was noticeably more rough and uneven than it is when I’m using the scrub. I use this every other night after I wash my face.
ART Refreshing Toner
I love this cooling, refreshing toner after I wash my face. Sometimes I put some in a spray bottle and spritz it on my face and other times I put it on a cotton ball and swipe it on my face. The spray bottle method makes it last much longer but the cotton ball method feels more thorough to me so I switch off and on. I use this every night after I wash my face.
ART Light Moisturizer and Sandalwood Moisture Cream
Young Living has a bunch of different lotions and moisturizers to choose from. I’ve used several of them and liked them all. My current routine is the Sandalwood Moisture Cream at night after I wash, exfoliate, and use toner; then in the morning I use the ART Light moisturizer. The Sandalwood Cream is very thick so I only use a tiny bit. It does make my skin feel a bit greasy so I use it at night and then rinse it off in the morning. The ART Light moisturizer is very light (as the name suggests) and is perfect in the morning whether I am putting on makeup or not. If cost is a factor the Genesis Hand and Body Lotion is actually a really great face moisturizer for day or night too.
My Routine
Like I said, I like to keep it simple. At night I wash my face with the Orange Blossom face wash, exfoliate with the Satin face scrub (every other night or sometimes only every third night), use the ART Toner, and then finish with Sandalwood Moisture cream. In the morning I don’t wash my face at all – since I washed it before bed I don’t really feel like it has gotten dirty or anything. I just rinse my face off with water (which helps get the slightly greasy feeling from the Sandalwood Moisture Cream off) and then apply a little bit of the ART Light moisturizer. Easy, only a few steps, and very effective!
Other products
Other skin care products Young Living offers include eye cream, wrinkle cream, various serums and masques, and essential oils that are great for the skin such as frankincense, sandalwood, jasmine and myrrh.
Want all or some of these products for yourself? Here’s how to order!
Have you tried any of Young Living’s skin care products? Which one is your favorite?
I love the Wolfberry Eye Cream. I think we may have the same upline in Kristine Adeline and Casey W. as I recently discovered.
I like it too! I’m out and need to order some more. I don’t recognize Kristine’s name but if you’re talking about Casey Wiegand she is crossline to me and we have the same upline in Courtney Critz (Baby Steps Team) so that’s cool!
Yes that would be the right Casey and Courtney is awesome. Yes Baby Steps Team as I watch a lot of her videos and that’s where I saw your name for the belly scar cream recipe.
Small world!!! 😊
Very cool!!
I use ALL of the YL skincare line. I am 58 and the last time I got a facial, the lady went on and on about the texture of my skin and asked me 3x what I use. These products ROCK!