Here we go into our 6th year of homeschooling! This will be my first year with 3 homeschoolers. Here’s an overview of our 2024-2025 homeschool curriculum for 5th grade, 3rd grade, and kindergarten.
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(scroll to the bottom for a video if you prefer watching/listening over reading)
Curriculum Spine: Classical Conversations
This will be our 6th year doing Classical Converstations. My 3 oldest (10, 8, and 5 years old) will be participating in Classical Conversations Foundations.
CC Foundations touches on math, English grammar, Latin, geography, history, and science. We use this as our curriculum “spine” – we take the topics we’re learning in our CC memory work and expand on them more at home. This year is Cycle 1 which covers topics like ancient history, weather, rocks, plants, and cells.
If you aren’t familiar with Classical Conversations I wrote a pretty in depth blog post about what it is, how it works, what a typical CC day looks like, and our thoughts after our first year.
More about our CC curriculum in these videos (some are from a few years ago but are still applicable for this year since the curriculum doesn’t really change):
Language Arts: Logic of English & Classical Conversations Essentials
My 5th grader will be doing his 2nd year of Classical Conversations Essentials – they use their own CC branded language arts program plus IEW for writing. (see more about CC Essentials here) He will also use Daily Grams as a quick daily practice for editing, punctuation, sentence combining, etc.
My 3rd grader will be doing Logic of English Essentials (not the same as CC Essentials…they just happen to have the same name). This is a great program to use the year before starting CC Essentials – it covers similar things to what are learned in CC Essentials so it gives a nice gentle introduction.
Both my 5th grader and 3rd grader will be using Automatic Spelling for spelling practice.
My kindergartener will start Logic of English and I expect (if she follows the same pace as my older two) that she’ll do both Foundations A and Foundations B this year.
LOE covers grammar, spelling, reading, reading comprehension, and handwriting so you only need the one curriculum (though I have chosen to add in a different spelling option for my 3rd grader). And of course as I’ve shared before (and the name indicates) it teaches the actual logic and rules behind the English language.
Classical Conversations Essentials review:
How I prep for Classical Conversations Essentials:
Here’s my LOE Foundations A unboxing video so you can see what comes in the curriculum:
My LOE Foundations A review:
My LOE Foundations B review:
My LOE Essentials review:
Math: RightStart Math & Kindergarten Math with Confidence
My oldest two will be continuing with RightStart Math for math. My 5th grader will be in Level F and my 3rd grader will be in Level D. As always I still continue to use and recommend this curriculum because it gives kids such a great understanding of math and how it works.
I’m doing something a little different for my kindergartener though, and using Kindergarten Math with Confidence with her. My older two used RightStart Math A for kindergarten and we did like it but a lot of RightStart Math A is repeated in RSM B so I decided to do Kindergarten Math with Confidence and then move right into RSM Level B this time around.
In addition to our main curriculum we’re using a couple of math supplements this year:
One is Classical Conversations’ The Map Map. This is a math curriculum that CC is rolling out and several of the beta levels are available for free for CC families to test out. I am very excited about parts of it and skeptical about other parts, so we’re going to casually use TMM as a supplement just to get a feel for it.
I’m also planning to have my 5th and 3rd graders use Beast Academy online as a supplement – Beast Academy is an advanced math curriculum that has a lot of emphasis on puzzles and problem solving. I’m going to have them start a few levels below their grade level and use it for problem solving practice. Since this is an online program and they’re starting with lower levels I’m hoping this is something they’ll be able to do independently while I’m helping a sibling with their work.
Check out what all comes with the RightStart Math Level A curriculum here:
RightStart Math Level A review:
RightStart Math Level B review:
RightStart Math Level D review:
History: Story of the World
We’re having a heavier focus on math and science this year than we have in the past so we’re not using a formal history curriculum. The history focus for CC this year is ancient history so we will be reading through Story of the World Volume 1 and supplementing with library books that go along with what we’re learning in CC each week.
Science: Berean Builders Science in the Beginning
This will be our first year using an official science curriculum and I am SO excited about it! I’ve always felt hesitant about science because it’s not one of my strongest subjects and the thought of doing science experiments overwhelms me. For years my kids have been really big into history so we’ve just focused more on that and done science very casually (they learn science each week with CC and do science experiments there as well).
But this year I really wanted us to focus more on science and after lots of research I found a science curriculum that I’m actually very, very excited about! Berean Builders’ science curriculum is a chronological curriclum so rather than going by subject it goes through history and talks about various topics as they fit into history. It also talks about famous scientists who discovered those things. There is a experiment or demonstration that goes with each lesson, which as I said normally would feel like “too much” but you can get a kit that has all the supplies in once place for you and since gathering up the supplies is half the battle, it is totally worth the money to me!
We are starting at the beginning with the Science in the Beginning book, which looks at science topics that relate to the days of creation. Once we finish that we’ll move into Science in the Ancient World.
We also have a subscription to Awesome Science TV because they make fantastic videos that go along with Classical Conversations. We use that to expand on each week’s CC sentence.
Bible: Bible Study Guide for All Ages
We have used Bible Study Guide for All Ages off and on and have really enjoyed it. We plan to continue with it this year. It’s a great curriculum that I can use with all the kids (hence the name ;) ) and it goes deeper into some of the lesser known Bible stories/facts.
Over the summer we added in typing using the program Typesy. The kids really like it and we plan to continue that through the year. Not only can we use it for typing but once they’ve learned how to type using Typesy, you can upload your own spelling and/or vocabulary lists so it’ll be great for reinforcing our spelling words and my 5th graders IEW vocabularly words.
Prefer videos? Here’s a video I made sharing what we’re using this year
I’ve linked a bunch of related videos here but I have a gagillion more on my YouTube channel – reviews of just about every curriculum we’ve used, our curriculum line ups from past years, a bunch of Classical Conversations videos, so check that out!
Are you using the science lab kits too, or just the books.
I’m using the science lab kits.