It’s back to school time and while I’m not actually going back to school (this is the first time in 22 years that I haven’t had a “first day of school” either as a student or a teacher…so weird!) I know I have a lot of teachers who read my blog so I thought I’d […]
super simple fudge pie
I used to think making a fudge pie would be difficult and time consuming. Guess what…it isn’t. But shhh, that’ll be our little secret ‘mkay? You can wow your friends and family when you make this pie and then chuckle gleefully to yourself since it took all of ten minutes of work. This recipe was […]
so what’s the deal with essential oils anyway?
I’ve posted a few things on Facebook and Pinterest recently about essential oils and as a result I’ve had a lot of questions about what they are and how I’m using them. I thought I’d go ahead and address that here to (hopefully) answer everyone’s questions. This post contains affiliate links. I am a Young […]
breast may be best but it definitely isn’t easiest – our breastfeeding journey
Disclaimer: This post is about breastfeeding. There will be words like breast, nipple, etc. If that freaks you out, stop reading now. But don’t worry, there are no pictures. I never thought I’d ever write about something so personal, but as I’ve struggled through this journey I’ve talked to so many people who have […]
Hudson’s birth story
As you know if you’ve been reading my blog, my plan was to have a natural childbirth. We attended childbirth classes to learn the Bradley method of natural childbirth. Before birth I was fascinated by other people’s natural childbirth stories, especially because it gave me an idea of what to expect. Judging from the amount […]